How to Rap: 12 Easy Steps (With Pictures)

Rap it up!

 According to the Oxford Dictionary ‘Rap’ is a type of popular music with a fast strong rhythm and words which are spoken fast, not sung”. When we take the word and look at it as an abbreviation it stands out as Rhythm and Poetry. These two words bring both literature and music to the table and everything that comes with each one of them. Like anything else it’s an art to be discovered and a skill to be enhanced. There are no rules to the game but basically some common point and technicalities can lead you to the next name in rap and hip-hop. You may read this book.

(Click the images for more info).

Start to rap

Step 1:- Listen to large variety of artists under the umbrella (includes EVERYONE).

First of all you have to dive in the ocean of hip-hop. Rap being one of the most influential and growing genres of music has thousands of colors to it with each one these with innumerable shades. You will find simple recitation of romantic poetry with an acoustic country guitar at a slowed down pace to rapid techno beats accompanied by prolific literary writing that cross your ears at the speed of a Formula 1 racecar. As stated earlier it’s an ocean and remember you don’t need to take every treasure with you but got to explore the waters.(Click the images for more info)

Fifine Mic (great mic for streaming)How to rap Book

Step 2:- Know the technicalities

Rap has basic ‘know-how’ to it which is rhythm, rhymes and a little bit of grammar, some knowledge of music and pronunciation skills depending on which language you choose which keep changing with time. Rhythm- This includes the beats per minute of an instrumental, the time signature (4/4, 3/4 etc.) and the skill to fit rhymes to a particular meter if recited without a beat (acapella). Grammar and literary skills- Different words phrased and pronounced differently convey different meanings. That’s a whole lot of different in there. Better take the poetry class seriously or learn in depth about these things online

Step 3- Analyze your favorite songs.

 Lets take Eminem’s Lose Yourself- see how he narrates a story, enhances it by a catchy hook and rhyme schemes, bends words and kills it by an amazing outro.

Step 4- Listen to Beats and instrumentals repetitively and choose you own ones.

Now that you’ve listened to lots of songs and know the basics write. You know what you like and what you don’t. So let’s get to work. Choose a beat or a song instrumental of any artists or buy it from a producer or make your own.

Step 5- Write Lyrics.

Choose different approaches- Brainstorming helps. Write down ideas on a sheet and then connect it according to you or go straight line by line. Enjoy the process. You’re a poet my friend that’s what your born to do. Remember- no hard and fast rules

Step 6- RAP it up.

Take the beat and lyrics and start to rap. Not everything plays out perfectly at first but with times stuff gets to the place where it belongs. At this point you will decide flow, if you want melodies with it or not.

Step 7- Decide if you want it to be song or not.

Not every piece that you write turns out to be a full song. It could be a feature on somebody’s song or just straight up bars.

Step 8- Get feedback

Go to people who listen to rap and know their opinion. It’s always strength to have critics and this also helps out to know tastes in music of people. And it’s okay to have people who don’t even want to try. Not everyone loves burgers and not everyone loves pizzas.

Step 9- Practice as much as You Can and Be Yourself

It’s always about the art you’ll bring to this world. You have own voice that’s your tone color. Be confident about it. You’re one of a kind and so is everybody else. Practice it. Add freestyle and battle rap if you want to.(Click the images for more info).

Collaborate with people

Step 10- Perform

There’s nothing to explain about it. It’s a performing art. Perform it at your school, home or anywhere you feel that this should be it. Go to open mics and hip-hop cyphers. If you’re goal is to be a recording artist visit studios often or have one at home. That’s what you’ve done this hard work for.


Step 11- Record, Promote and Show it to the world

You have at some point in time get in the vocal booth, record, make songs and blow it on the internet. Easy said than done I know but we are not talking about punching mountains. Somebody has done it already; somebody is doing it while you read. You can too.

Step 12- Collaborate & Know the Culture

Collaborate with music producers, sound engineers, other artists, songwriters and labels. Also look for people that are great at jobs that you’re not good at. You might be Shakespeare but bad with audio gear. Hip-hop culture includes rapping, DJing, break-dance and graffiti with street fashion adding up on daily basis. You should gain more knowledge about it and it might be of great help.

That’s basically it. No hard and fast rules again and no set pathway. The world is meant to be explored. You are just doing it with rhymes in your pocket (on the phone or sheet of paper) and a mic in your hand. 

Good Luck!

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