Secrets About Studio Only A Handful Of People Know.


 Experimentation forms the basis of science. Really!!! Have you ever thought about how many times a scientist has to go through the same apparatus, chemicals and mechanical tools to form a theory into practicality? Bringing ideas to reality is not an easy task. A scientist does it in the lab with chemicals, a mechanic with a tool box and a rapper with his studio. For any vocal artist for that matter, in today’s day and age has to get his voice to the masses to share the individual’s gifs with the general public. Right now we’ll participate in probably surf shopping (window shopping) the essentials a person needs to get heard through the internet. Whether you’re a vocal artist, a streamer, a podcast-ing motivator or anybody for that matter. You need to have these things in your studio (home or professional that’s up to your budget).(Click the images for more info).


A Personal Computer/ Laptop

Of course!!!! The most precious thing would be the main management through which all the actions would be executed and that is your PC/ Laptop. According to your goals the specifications will vary. Such as if I’m a streamer I would not be able to have the ‘float like a butterfly’ flow with a copywriter’s notebook that just uses it to type in ideas and surf emails. You need massive processing power, a ton of space on the RAM. Well not a tone but enough so that I don’t crawl like a snail on my live. Likewise if recording Vocal for my album. I need to make sure that I have the system that would allow me to deal with hardware (that is further discussed) like mics, headphones and soundcard. The best way is to check every recommended specification of the software's one will use and then draw a conclusion. (Click the images for more info).


‘If you smell…..What the Rock is cookin’’…Okay! I know you probably don’t need it for frying samosas but the basics are the basis. A microphone is a must for recording. Children graduating schools after Covid know that (Sarcaazzzmmm). You don’t go horse riding without the horse. Now before you grab it from anywhere there are some points that need to be on your list-

Dynamic or Condenser ?

The two basic ifs and else are whether you have to choose dynamic or condenser mic. A dynamic mic is one which allows you to perform anywhere at anytime with low power input and is sufficient for people who have less soundproofing. You might be in the middle of a desert but have construction going around, so check out. (Click the images for more info)

Studio Setup

Condenser Mics is where you’ll be like “Good Morning Mumbai” even if you live in Gwalior. But this needs to have sound proofing around and takes much more power input. Most condensers deal with phantom power (this is too technical) to be dealt with. Great for recording songs and “PRO Professional stuff”.

Most dynamic mics sound as good as a condenser these days. Mics are as complicated as different people. You want to look out what’s best for you.

Affordable studio gear

Soundcard/ Audio Interface

Audio interfaces convert microphone and instrument signals into a format your computer and software recognize. This is the bridge between the two lands of microphone and you’re PC. Again every decision will take into account the goal, software specs and budget. There are affordable options like plug and play USB mics which come with inbuilt soundcard and are great for people just starting.(Click the images for more info)

Output Device (Speakers/ Headphones/Monitors)

Long story short. WE ARE NOT HAPPY WITH INBUILT SPEAKERS. If you don’t need to produce music or look into editing audio and just stream and make videos, standard headphones and speakers are well and good.(Click the images for more info)

If music and audio are king of the content like in case of rappers, singers and music producers. The need to have studio headphones and/ or studio monitors. The difference between standard speakers and studio monitors is that they are “powered” speakers, which means the power amplifier is built into the speaker cabinet. So you have to connect it to a line source with a volume control, i.e. an audio interface or a dedicated monitor controller.


This should have been 2nd but the jewels are rewarded to those who are patient. You have to have a software that controls each and every hardware that you have in the lab . These could be OBS in streaming and Logic Pro X, FL Studio and Ableton in case of Vocal Production.


Last but not the least. Right Cables are super significant to connect the dots and form a complete picture. I know we’ve gone wireless in most worlds but not right here. They have a world of their own when it comes to audio gear. And choices here also depend by keeping everything else in picture.

That’s basically it…this seems so much but a building a rocket requires metal and building audio requires gear.

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